April 15, 2016 1 min read

We’re so excited for RapidLash to be featured in  from EyeLash Magazine’s March 2016 issue! This “f(lash) back” article gives us a timeline of the history of eyelashes, and RapidLash is highlighted for the year 2008, when the “over-the counter” serum debuted. See below for a peak at the full article–>

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Lash History 101!

Long, dark lashes have always been a thing.

Yep Long, dark lashes have always been a thing.

So excited for our next Great Gatsby-themed costume party

Can’t wait for the next Great-Gatsby themed costume party!

Our girl Twiggy makes dramatic lashes one of the biggest statements of the decade.

Our girl Twiggy makes dramatic lashes one of the biggest statements of the decade.

Check it out! RapidLash shook up the cosmetic and lash industry in 2008 when it debuted the game-changing lash (and brow!) enhancing formula. ⇓

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Right now is the perfect time to prep your lashes for the spring and summer months. Nothing says beautiful quite like long, full lashes to complete your look! Stock up on yours now! 

Check us out on Pinterest, Twitter, & on Instagram @realrapidlash

Have a lovely day, beauties!

Catherine C., Lashing Out