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Valentine's Day Sale - Take 20% Off
January 20, 2016 2 min read
Do you know exactly what may be inside the cosmetic products you use every day? Though it’s common to check the ingredient list for specifics like “retinol” or “glycolic acid,” not all of us check the label for “polyethylene” or “polypropylene,” at least not until now.
Last month, President Obama signed the Pallone’s Microbead-Free Waters Act of 2015, officially banning the manufacture and sale of products that contain the environmentally harmful microbeads1. The micro-sized plastic particles exist in cosmetic items such as exfoliating scrubs, toothpastes and even deodorants. The tiny plastic particles seem harmless, but after they’re washed down the drain and reach water outlets like the Great Lakes and the ocean, data collectors and years of research has shown that fish ingest the beads, mistaking them for eggs2. This not only harms the fish but increases our risk, when the fish reaches our dinner tables.
The plastic beads contain dangerous chemicals and are certainly not intended for ingestion by animals or humans. Though companies showed resistance to reformulating products that contained the beads because of the high cost of reformulating and launching new products, everyone has to get on board now, thanks to the new law.
Rocasuba, Inc., official distributors of our serum for lashes, RapidLash®, is proud not to sell any products that are harmful to humans or the environment. Our products are 100% cruelty-free and are made with naturally derived ingredients, including our newly formulated magnesium crystal resurfacing polish, RapidRenew™.
If you’re in need of a new exfoliating polish, you’re certainly in for a treat! RapidRenew™ Skin Perfecting Polish has finally made its debut and is now available at select salons, spas, and on the shop page. Read about its 6 highly-effective and safe ingredients here.
Tell us how you like the new scrub using this testimonial-fill-out form, and you could be featured on our social media pages! Follow us on Facebook, @Realrapidlash on Twitter, Instagram & on our Pinterest page.
Catherine C., Lashing Out
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