April 28, 2019 2 min read

We’ve already sprung forward into longer days, and with the first day of Spring on the way, many of us are ready to shed our winter layers and start exposing a little more skin. After the long, cold winter months, however, that skin might not be quite ready for us to show it off. Enter exfoliation! Using a gentle product like RapidRenew is a great way to get skin ready for Spring! Plus, in addition to the exfoliates, RapidRenew also contains alpha hydroxy acid from Bromelain (pineapple leaf) and Lime Pearl fruit to aid in safely removing dead skin and encouraging cell turnover!

Whether it’s your face, legs, or anywhere else on your body, winters chill and dry air can drain the life out of your skin. If you’re getting ready to move into your spring wardrobe, or you’re just sick of scratching your shins, using RapidRenew in small, careful circles on the area you’re looking to exfoliate can slough off that unpleasant flaky dryness leaving skin feeling refreshed and smooth.

As with all self-care, don’t be too rough on yourself! Scrubbing too harshly with any cleansing product can remove more than just that dry skin, and can do damage your skins horny layer, making dry skin an ongoing problem. Also, make sure to rinse with lukewarm water: if it’s too hot all that dryness will come rushing right back. To protect that fresh skin, make sure to follow with your favorite moisturizer!

For folks with sensitive skin who might be a bit hesitant about using RapidRenew on their face, a light rub with a soft washcloth can also provide excellent exfoliation to give you silky smooth legs instead! However you decide to get your skin ready for Spring, gentle exfoliation with RapidRenew on a semi-regular basis is a wonderful way to keep your skin feeling smooth and looking bright!